Prepare to be ignited with diverse workshops from tame to edge-pushing.


Over the course of Ignite Festival, participants will have the opportunity to explore a wide range of experiences, ranging in spiciness, physicality, setting and content. Learn more below!

The degree of spiciness and physicality is also indicated in each workshop description using the following scales:

Level of spiciness:
🔥 = low spiciness (e.g. just talking, solo yoga),
🔥🔥 = medium spiciness (e.g. sensual touch)
🔥🔥🔥 = high spiciness (e.g. sexual touch)

Level of physicality:
💦 = low physicality (e.g. sitting, lying down, standing only)
💦💦= medium physicality (e.g. gentle movement, massage)
💦💦💦 = high physicality (e.g. working up a sweat)

  • The workshops below all take place on Friday July 28. They are in the same order as on the program schedule page.

  • Beginning the weekend with mind-body connection! This workshop will act as a perfect Ice breaker to get to know ourselves and others from a fun, dynamic, curious and embodied place. Coming back to our bodies to feel a sense of connection and safety so we can explore more freely our relation between our bodies and the others throughout the weekend!

    *Clothing optional, at least shorts on is recommended.

    ** Physical contact with others is optional

    ***This class will invite more movement, however is adaptive to the movement needs of each body no matter age, or movement capacities, it will be inclusive for any and all bodies and ages.

    ****No previous experience required, if you want to move and never had tried before this is the right place to begin!

  • Ready to cut the chit-chat and get straight to the heart of what matters to you?

    Authentic Relating is a ground breaking social technology that enables you to heartfully, playfully and courageously connect, using the tools of radical honesty and active listening. The practice invites you to drop deeper into presence, embodied awareness and permission to express whatever is alive within you and the ‘we-space’ between you and other(s).

  • In this workshop, we will explore a blueprint of the three embodied pleasures. Intimacy, Sensuality and Sexuality. Each pleasure is unique and separate while remaining interconnected with the other two. Intimacy is the spiritual room of trust, peace and presence. Sexuality is the hot room of rising heat and Life Force Energy. Sensuality is the bridge between the two. It is the room of touch, movement, breath, sound and stillness. Once we see how these three rooms are laid out, we are able to find our way to the fully nourishing embodied pleasures we desire.

  • Communal Self Pleasuring breaks down barriers and challenges societal norms about what we can do with our body in the company of our brothers. We acknowledge the Power of Eros available at our fingertips and revel in the communal erotic energy created in a safe enough container to explore our inner desires and express our true erotic nature. You can feel the shame falling away as you fully embody your erotic self.

    We are uniquely ourselves when we self-pleasure. Sharing with others how we choose to give ourselves pleasure is an intensely intimate, vulnerable and liberating act of self acceptance and self love.

    Whether this is the first time you’ve opened this door, or if you’ve experienced the power of communal erotic energy before, you are welcome to participate to your comfort level. Let go of your inhibitions in a safe and welcoming space. Please be prompt for Temple Time as we will co-create agreements for this session at the beginning of the session.

  • Connection is the key to intimacy, and there are so many ways to connect with others beyond just sex. And what if I told you that there's a way to connect with a complete stranger in a profound and meaningful way? That's why I'm thrilled about this workshop that teaches people how to create intimate connections with strangers in just a short amount of time. It's amazing how quickly we can bond with someone when we're open and vulnerable. And in today's fast-paced world, where we often feel disconnected from others, these skills are more important than ever. Through this workshop, participants will learn practical techniques for building trust, being vulnerable, and creating a sense of shared experience.

    Clothing optional.

  • We’ll have cuddle space, chill vibes, and an opportunity to speak freely from the heart. We are finding rest, reprieve, and each other in a temporary retreat. Discuss your experience, your truth, and what draws you to this work with other members of the QTBIPOC community. See and be seen; hold and be held.

    Please note this is a space for QTBIPOC (Queer/Trans/Two Spirit folks who are also Black/Indigenous/People of Colour) only.

    This event is happening at the same time as the Navigating Whiteness in Queer Spaces workshop led by Mark Fleming. 

  • The workshops below all take place on Saturday July 29. They are in the same order as on the program schedule page.

  • Come and co-create ritual space in which we view queer experience and identity through the lenses of history, tradition, spirituality, and culture. We will contemplate how our queerness is passed down through a lineage of human and nonhuman ancestors, taking time to honour our ancestors’ courage and resilience, and to notice how we are influenced, inspired, wounded and resourced. This ritual is a group contemplation and enactment of a queer cosmology, exploring age-old questions such as: “what is queerness?”, “why does queerness exist?”, and “where does queerness come from?” This ritual is based on the work of Daan Van Kampenhout, facilitated with permission, and incorporates inspiration from archetypal psychology, science and biology, social history, queer ecology, and transformative justice.

  • Through playful and dynamic activities this workshop will provide a safe space to rediscover our bodies and connect with others through movement exploration. Participants will start getting in touch with themselves by contemplating each part of the body and its possibilities of movement. Exploring the ranges of possibilities between polarities (fast-slow/ floor-air/ small-big, etc). Stepping into their possibilities of movement and creation; expanding their sense of connection through the five senses; visualizations and imagery exercises; reconnecting with a sense of creativity, collective imagination and confidence.

    ** Physical contact with others is optional

    ***This class will invite more movement, however is adaptive to the movement needs of each body no matter age, or movement capacities, it will be inclusive for any and all bodies and ages.

    ****No previous experience required, if you want to move and never had tried before this is the right place to begin!

  • What is your body story?

    You have carried your body with you since birth and have had many stories; some truthful and some created. This is your opportunity to offer, through words, about the landscape of your body.

    Utilizing your vulnerability you will be partnered up with another brother to reveal your body and will have time to let this person know about the experience living in your own body. While you share, your partner will be able to create a portrait of you through drawing, painting, writing. You do not need to be creative to participate, all you need is an open heart and a desire to honor another man’s story. During the witnessing section the man creating the portrait may be able to ask questions to the man that is being witnessed.

    This is a sacred offering for men who want to go a little deeper with their relationship to their bodies

  • Rope binds. Rope contains. Rope stimulates. In this session we will play with how to surrender to the art and beauty of body bondage. Shibari is an elegant but easy Japanese technique that combines sensuality with empowerment—whether you give or receive.

    For those who are new to rope practices, we encourage you to be brave. Come have FUN!!! We are learning how to hold, and be held, deeply and tightly by other men, building trust, surrender and care.

    If you can tie your shoelaces, come on in! Don’t worry, rope and instruction will be provided.

  • How can we love and accept our maturing bodies? How do we know what is part of the natural aging process, and what changes should send us to a specialist? How does our declining testosterone level affect our libido and our performance? Are there natural things we can do to counteract the aging process? And, can we love and accept ourselves just as we are, and as we continue to age with grace?

    Come for a discussion about how we are all doing in our aging male bodies. There are many sexual and health issues common to male bodies, and common to Men who have sex with Men. Let’s talk about whatever is on your mind. Come with questions, with curiosity, or to listen to how your brothers might be managing through similar concerns.

  • Some nipples are like electric guitars, ready to wail with pleasure at full volume! Other nipples are resting quietly, waiting for their music to begin.

    In this workshop, we will explore how to play nipples like musical instruments. No matter whether you’re a complete beginner or a nipple rock star, this workshop is for everyone. Learn the scale of nipple touch from 0 (no touch) to 10 (ouch!) to find your personal range. Each man will build their own erotic energy while their nipples are played by a variety of musicians. Bring your favorite lube and a towel.

    At the heart of this workshop is the ability to listen to your partners pleasure and remain attentive as we improvise with the powerful instruments of pleasure in our hands.

  • This dance workshop will be held in the form of an ecstatic dance session – clothing optional and touch optional.

    We will create a mutually-supportive, judgment-free space to honour and explore authentic expression through movement. With no moves to learn, this session is an invitation to tune into our unique selves and free our bodies to move as we please. Dance solo, and/or explore dance with others. Wear whatever you want. Sit in stillness or twerk it out. Your journey is up to you!

    Participants have described this session as cathartic, meditative, movement medicine, connecting with their inner child dancer, wild, so much fun, a good workout, and a practice in releasing inner judgment.

    Andy (DJ Bluesky) will be facilitating and spinning the tracks, taking us on a journey from stillness to the peak and back again, riding a wave of diverse musical styles from around the world. The session will start with a short introduction to ecstatic dance, followed by a 90-minute dance set, and a closing reflection circle.

    Feel free to wear clothing that makes you feel free and expressive, and like your authentic self!

  • Are you ready to take your cuddling game to the next level? You don't have to settle for just spooning or using cuddling as code for sex. There are so many platonic cuddle positions to try, and I can't wait to show you a few of them!

    Not only will you feel the warm and fuzzy effects of oxytocin, but you'll also be able to impress your friends with your pro-level cuddle skills. In this workshop, we will explore different cuddle positions that the pros use, and maybe even come up with a few of our own. Get ready to elevate your cuddling game and experience the true joy of cuddling!

    *Wear light loose clothing. Bring a yoga mat and a towel and single sheet.

  • The workshops below all take place on Sunday July 30. They are in the same order as on the program schedule page.

  • This second round of Shibari rope bondage is for both experienced players and first timers. As you learn more techniques for rope play, you will dance with your dominant and submissive personas, and have more time for interactive and consensual scenes. Bring a play partner (it’s easy to find someone at the festival) or show up alone and we will pair you up.

  • Are you desiring a safe space to see and be seen, to hold and be held?

    Embodied Relating is an interpersonal meditation. It is the practice of listening, speaking and touching in deeper awareness of our sensations, allowing us to weave richer, more truthful, more loving connections with one another.

    Come explore your curiosity, vulnerability and boundaries through a journey of deep and meaningful conversation, movement and touch exercises.

  • When it comes to oral sex most of us fall into routine habits learned from pornography, which misses so much of the subtlety of giving mind-blowing head. This workshop will offer techniques that bring confidence and skills to become an expert in the delicate art of fellatio. At the same time, what brings each cock the most pleasure is unique, so you'll be encouraged to maintain good communication with your partner and let them know exactly what you want. We will strive to create a space that honours each person's experience; nobody will be forced to do anything that doesn't feel right. You are welcome to come with a partner, lover, FWB, fuckbud, or casual playmate from the weekend. Or show up on your own, and you'll get paired randomly!

    Please bring yoga mat and towel. This workshop is open to folks with any genital configuration, but techniques will focus on how to pleasure cocks & balls.

  • Spend your afternoon learning all about sensual and erotic massage, and come out feeling like a true pro. Not only will you get to learn all the secrets to giving an amazing massage, butyou'll also have the opportunity to practice through massage exchanges with fellow participants. It is a great way to get hands-on experience and really put your new skills to the test. By the end of the workshop, you will be confident enough to share your newfound expertise with your partners and lovers. This workshop is definitely a must-attend for anyone who wants to master the art of sensual massage.


  • Learn to harness your own energy for personal transformation with a combination of qigong and yoga in one session. After a grounding meditation, we’ll begin with energy cultivation of our qi/prana with breathwork. By moving energy through our bodies, we will increase circulation and revitalize ourselves. Paired with a slow moving vinyasa yoga practice to connect mind, body and spirit, we’ll find rejuvenation as we strengthen our muscles. Pauses are built throughout to increase stamina. We’ll culminate with a blissful relaxation state for our final rest.

    Please bring a yoga mat and any props you like to support your yoga practice.

  • We will create a ritual container in which to witness, explore, and share desire. The contemplation throughout will be, “What do I want? How can I create an experience that will fulfill me?” The free-format experience allows for different ways of interacting with others using the power of witnessing, consent, movement and touch, in which you will create your own journey. This can be a charged container as you’ll be tasked to find your own partners, and negotiate your own boundaries. Please bring your yoga mats.

  • Come! Step into the River of Love. Face your partner. Take a deep breath. Slowly walk the short path. Each trip down the River of Love takes just a few seconds but with each repetition, it washes away our sense of separateness and invites us to see ourselves. Not as individuals but as part of the same flowing source of Life Force energy that creates everything. Repeat with as many partners as you like. Or sit and meditate to watch the beauty of the River of Love unfold.

  • Slow down and slow dance. This workshop invites participants to slow dance with one another as a silent, gentle and partnered meditation -- just like high school dances but without the gendered expectations. We bring awareness to our bodies, emotions and somatic imaginings as we soften and find support, care and liberation with our dance partner. We will reflect on our individual slow dance journey through some writing and drawing. During this workshop you may hear tunes such as All of Me by John Legend, Faithfully by Diana Ross/ Lionel Richie or It's All Coming Back To Me by Celine Dion.

All 27 workshops will gradually be revealed in the months leading up to the festival!